Quick sales

Tickets are automatically generated at check-in if a balance is due. At check out simply click on the ticket link and complete within seconds. Family dogs are included in one single ticket, significantly reducing work and simplifying check out process.

Barcode scanner compatible

Simplified retail sales. It's easy to use our instant predictive search to enter retail products. Alternatively, you can use a barcode retail scanner to instantly add a product at POS.

Coupons & promotions

Add coupon discounts in percentage (%) or dollar ($) to offer coupons, promotions with customized notes for easy tracking.

Tips and account balance

Conveniently edit tip details. Track tips for daily cash & credit card reconciliation and reports with our built-in template. Account balance can be conveniently selected as a payment type, making advanced payment easy to track.

More Features

Add unlimited types of split payments to offer convenience to your customers and ensure accuracy of your daily financial reconciliation and long term reporting.

About Us

We are passionate about the wellbeing of small businesses in the pet industry.
Don't hesitate to say Hello!

© 2016 PawsAdmin
Made in Canada